[vc_row][vc_column width=\”1/1\”][vc_column_text]Coronavirus or COVID-19 has been very much in the news of late, and rightly so. As of Monday 16th April 2020, there were 1,543 confirmed cases in the UK with 53 patients who tested positive for COVID-19 who have died. It is reasonable to assume that this virus will spread much further and the impact on us all will be significant.
In light of the current situation, if any of our existing clients are affected by COVID-19, we will do as much as we can to help support you at this difficult time.
Helping you and your business
In the first instance, we will happily help you add certain messaging free of charge.
We will add:
Dissmissable sitewide message
- Adding a dismissible site-wide notice to your website explaining your current situation such as changes to your business, operating hours, product availability, etc.
Add a new page or blog/news post
- If you have prepared a message or statement regarding COVID-19 then we will happily add this to your news or blog page or even create a new static page for this.
Add a new post on Google My Business
- Upon searching Google, the first results users will find are very often in Google Maps. These results feature businesses featured through Google My Business. We will add any message regarding to COVID-19 to your Google My Business page in the form of a post.
Of course, there are many other options such as social media updates or emailing your mailing list and we would be very happy to discuss these along with your requirements.
We know these are worrying times so our aim is be as helpful as we can. We want to reassure you that Creative Sprout is open for business and ready to help. At this time it is very much business as usual and we will continue to support you. No matter what happens, we will be here to support you and your websites and business.
We can support you with all of the above and more so please contact us to discuss what we can do to help.
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Financial Implications
We understand that this is a worrying time. COVID-19 will impact many businesses significantly and in most cases, negatively. If you are an existing client and you\’re concerned about how COVID-19 may affect you with regards to any outstanding invoices you have with us, or even future payments, then we are very happy to discuss your situation with you.
Where possible we will be flexible to your needs. Our business is based on your success so we want to help you get through this as positively as possible.
If you feel you need to discuss this then please contact us and we will do all that we can to help.
So for now, stay safe.
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How to avoid catching or spreading coronavirus
If you are concerned about symptoms you are experiencing, call NHS 111 service or contact your GP surgery. Some general points here on steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19:
There are general principles anyone can follow to help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, including:
- washing your hands often – with soap and water, or use alcohol sanitiser if handwashing facilities are not available. This is particularly important after taking public transport
- covering your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throwing the tissue in a bin.
- people who feel unwell should stay at home and should not attend work or any education or childcare setting
- use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available
- avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
- avoid close contact with people who are unwell
- clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces
- if you are worried about your symptoms or those of a child or colleague, please call NHS 111. Do not go directly to your GP or other healthcare environment
- see further information on the Public Health England Blog and the NHS UK website.